The Power of Character
By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
2 min read

The Power of Character

Characters are more than a funny looking cartoon, they can be a vehicle to teach something that makes a big impact!

Something I’ve thought about a lot is the power of fictional characters to convey ideas that matter. Whether it’s a wise bite, humor, or some profound concept around the meaning of life, characters are a bridge to convey meaning. That’s partly why I love cartoons. I love to share ideas that are humorous with deep truths. 

Sometimes it only takes a simple drawing to share an idea that normally people would be too busy for. Sometimes the characters are even reminders for me, which is crazy, because you’d think I would just have these concepts deeply embedded in my mindset because.. well, they came from my brain. But that’s not always the case. Like anyone else, including a character, I’m a work in progress. 

Let’s take a moment to talk about one character I really love (I actually love all of them), he’s Rosevelt the mouse. He’s the coach, and this character is all about relentlessly teaching good habits and diligence! Funny how such a little mousy character could have so much influence. That’s what habits are like! They can be small and hardly noticeable, but when you diligently sow into them they compound in ways that can profoundly change your circumstances. 

Rosevelt the mouse is the coach who teaches diligence.

That’s what habits are like! They can be small and hardly noticeable, but when you diligently sow into them they compound in ways that can profoundly change your circumstances.

When you think about your own growth (and growth in your kids or students), take a time-out next time you encounter a fictional character in a story, whether it’s an animated film, Sunday funny, or children’s book. Usually the creator has something they want you to pick up. It’s funny to think we live in a world with so much fictional content that people buy into. But the truth is that fictional content can still hold a lot of truth! 

Practical action: If you made a up a fictional animal character what would it represent? Would it have certain skills, would it behave in a certain way, who would it help? Take 5 minutes to write down (or draw) a character that could positively influence the world around you. What if you tried doing some of the things that the character does?

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By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
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